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Your Property Details

The selected service(s) has no question.

House Area Size

How many square metres is your house?

Number Of Storeys

How many storeys does your house have?

House Cladding

What type of cladding is your house?

House Condition

How dirty is your house exterior?

Gutter Protection

Do you have gutter protection in place?

Upper And Lower Roofs

Does your house have upper and lower roofs?

Roof Condition

How dirty is your roof?

Deck Area

What is the total area of the deck - Sqm - length x width

Paving Area

What is the area of your paving - Sqm - length x width

Driveway Area

What is the area of your driveway - Sqm - length x width

Fence Size

What is the total area of the fence - Sqm - length x width

Patio Size

What is the total area of the patio - Sqm - length x width

Property Accessibility Issues

Do you have any property accessibility issues?

Building Size

What is the area of your building (sqm)?

Building Type

What category does your building fall into?

Building Size

What is the area of your building (sqm)?

Building Type

What category does your building fall into?

Deck Area

What is the total area of the deck - Sqm - length x width

Fence Size

What is the total area of the fence - Sqm - length x width

Paving Area

What is the area of your paving - Sqm - length x width

Driveway Area

What is the area of your driveway - Sqm - length x width

Patio Size

What is the total area of the patio - Sqm - length x width

Contact Details

To view your instant estimate, please fill in your details and submit

Please provide any further necessary information that might affect your estimate or in the course of providing the service.

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